Cliffe and Cliffe Woods Residents Development Group

Who We Are

We are a group of individuals from Cliffe, Cliffe Woods and the surrounding areas, who are concerned about the impacts of the proposed development by Trenport on our community.

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Planning Inquiry Evidence

The CCW RDG has applies for Rule 6 status at the appeal, which gives us a seat at the top table, where we are treated equally to Trenport, Medway Council and any other Rule 6 Parties, such as the Parish Council.

As part of the Rule 6 requirements, we are needed to submit our evidence in objection to the development ahead of the inquiry. All of our evidence was broken down into 6 parts.
    1. Environmental Impact
    2. Agricultural Land Assessment
    3. Public Consultation
    4. Health Impact
    5. Transport
    6. Relocated Sports Ground Access and Site Suitability
These “proofs” will then be examined at the inquiry along side Trenport, Medway Council and the Parish Council. Each party will have a chance to cross examine the proofs also meaning that a strong evidences bases technical approach was required.

Survey Results

A series of surveys were carried out to get the opinions and views of Cliffe residents on the proposed development and to support our objection.

The surveys covered a range of topics and included residents views on the current APCM, the proposed replacement facilities, access to the current APCM, access to the proposed replacement facilities and opinions on what the B2000 is like now and if 250 houses were built.

Focus Areas

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Surveys help us gather information from the community to support our objection.

QuestionPro offers a suite of features and question types – all for free. We now can run unlimited surveys and gather unlimited responses!