Objection Template
We will produce an online version of our Objection Template that can be sent to Medway Planning in a few clicks in the coming weeks.
You can object as many times as you wish, that means if you wish to raise your own objection now and then object again once the template has been written you can do both.
Objections can be sent to Medway Council via their online portal using the link below or emailed direct to
quoting planning application MC/22/0254 and your name and address.
What Medway Planning Told Us
Medway Council Planning department have been challenged by us a number of times with regards to the date that Trenport updated the additional mandatory documents. We DO NOT KNOW what date exactly these were uploaded – as the Medway Planning Portal was not available due to maintenance. We know that this was for an extended period until 5th April and
we checked many times during the ‘maintenance period’.
We felt that the 28th April deadline should be extended formally to reflect this period of ‘maintenance’ as we were unable to view any new documents during this period.
Sadly, Medway Council didn’t agree. On 14th April 2022, Hannah Gunner, Senior Planner wrote:
“The consultation expiry is the 28th April.
There is no intention of extending this period due to the fact that 30 days is above the normal consultation period and that this is a re-consult too so people have been aware of the application for longer.
Public Access was only down for 3 days (as far as I am aware) so shouldn’t have impacted significantly on this consultation period.
I hope that this is of assistance and apologise for the delay in replying.”
What Our Planning Advisors Responded
We consulted our planning advisors who advised:
“I think I mentioned in my first response to you on LinkedIn that the consultation deadline is not a final deadline and LPA’s will accept representations almost right up until the time that they determine the application. This is a major planning application, with a statutory determination period that continues until 10th June 2022 given the fact that it was revalidated on 11th March
(and the validation date may shift again). Our experiences suggest that, like many LPA’s, Medway will need time beyond the statutory 13-weeks to determine an application of this nature.
There is also the fact that the Council – if minded to approve – will need to present this case to a planning committee, given the volume of objections already received. These typically only sit once a month.”
What Is Our Timeline Now
You may be aware that a member of our community donated funds to cover the costs of a compliant traffic survey. We feel that this data and information is critical to our response. We will have the traffic survey data on 18th May 2022.
In light of the advice from our planners, we will now be submitting our objection letter AFTER the 28th April. We have agreed a timeline that fits within the parameters outlined above. As such the TEMPLATE letter will be available as follows:
- 26/04 – 01/05 – Review of draft Planning Letter by C&CW Development Group Committee
- 26/04 – 20/05 – Finalise Community Group Letter content
- 21/05 – ISSUE TEMPLATE for use via our Website/ Facebook/ Email
- 24/05 – LETTER WORKSHOP – we will be at Symonds Road working man’s club from 7pm to help tailor the template and issue to the Planning department via email. Hard Copies will also be available.
- 21/05 – 26/05 – LETTER SUPPORT – We and volunteers will help the less able complete the template. We will bring hard copies to the home of those that reach out to us or to your neighbours.
- 27/05 – OUR DEADLINE. On this date we will submit our objection on behalf of the community. This will be a fully appended version of the Letter template. We will also hand deliver any hard copy versions of the template that have been completed by the community.