Traffic Survey
An Automatic Traffic Count (ATC) is taking place on the 25th
April 2022 for 7 days in order to help us produce evidence for our opposition. The
Department for Transport sets out “neutral” days in which traffic count data
can be used for official purposes. These neutral days must be a set amount of
time after or before a bank holiday or school holiday, and as April was fairly
full of holidays the earliest set of neutral days in April is week commencing 25th
April 2022.
The ATC will be set up in three locations; The first location
is going to be set up on the approach to Cliffe Woods and will capture the total
load of traffic on one of the most highly trafficked and narrowest sections at
the top of the hill near the Farm Shop. The second location will be set up before
Rectory Road to capture the traffic load into Cliffe village and the total HGV
traffic on this section of the B2000. The final location will be set up on
Station Road before the mini roundabout and will filter out the HGV traffic
into Salt Lane works and will give indication of the HGV traffic along Cooling
Road as well as giving traffic speed along Station Road by the parked cars.
The traffic count will be used in conjunction with published
traffic counts and analysis from previous planning applications to challenge
the information that Trenport has submitted in their planning application. We
have already built a substantial case against the documentation presented and
this ATC data will further augment that.